
Integration of the animation library animate.css to reveal.js

We have 3 parameters to control the type of animation

  1. animation: We select the animation that we want to apply.
  2. speed: 5 animation speeds.
  3. repeat: Number of repetitions.

Two configuration modes

  • Global: It is defined when configuring reveal
  • Local: It is defined in the html tag that we want to animate

Global Animation

Animation H1


Animation H2

'H2':{'animated':'bounceIn', 'repeat':'repeat-3'}

'P':{'animated':'bounceIn', 'speed':'slower'}

'IMG':{'animated':'rotateIn', 'speed':'fast', 'repeat':'infinite'}

Local Animation


¡Ay, caramba!

  1. data-animated="wobble"
  2. data-repeat="repeat-2"
  3. data-speed="fast"


  1. data-animated="flip"
  2. data-repeat="infinite"